A note of thanks to David Rogers for some excellent ideas
What is it and why do it?
Its about Re-thinking the paces we live in, challenging perceptions, taking new perspectives
Guerrilla art is a way of sending messages about a place or a feature to get people to rethink that feature.
What is the point of guerrilla geography art?
It should be:
Thought provoking
Subtle messages
Covert action
Secret places
This fits in with our mission explore work which can be found here:/mexplore1.html
Secret places is a way of learning good geographical skills t help you investigate somewhere but right on your doorstep
How could we do this?
In pair/groups of three you will chose (or be given a secret place or location somewhere in the school grounds:
You will have to: investigate our place and think of creative ways to describe this place to others
You will have 15 minutes to investigate outside then 15 minutes back in class to prepare your clues to share with the class
Communicate only your clues to others – be selective with the information you give – think carefully, what should you reveal first?
What kind of clues could I give to describe a place?
What ideas to you have?
What clues do detectives look for?
You will have your senses, paper and pencils
What could you do?
Make simple sketches of something in your secret place, e.g. a tree, a bin, etc.
Pick up ‘evidence’, e.g. leaves, gravel, etc.
Make rubbing of surfaces, e.g. the floor
Describe different senses: e.g. I can hear……, I can smell…….., I can feel………..
Photograph something from your place
What makes Toot Hill distinctive?
What do you think is distinctive about Toot Hill School?
What makes our school different to others?
Your mission:
Working pairs , explore the school site & find evidence of things hat are DISTINCTIVE about Toot Hill
You should make sketches/rubbings/take photos/record descriptive words/write a poem
Before you go out – plan what you will record – then you will have 20 minutes outside
The little people
Click on the link below to a blog about the little people:
Mini people dolls/lego people/mini dolls
Students move around school with the little people and have t find places/spaces that are comfortable or uncomfortable for those people
Idea of perspective, seeing space in a new way
How did it make you think about the place differently?
You the should interview each other about why these spaces are good.