Distribution of Hazards

Is an earthquake in a desert a hazard? – Distribution of Hazards
For each tectonic landform or hazard you need to be able to describe where they are found.
You should state each of the following:
They are found on or near plate boundaries
Say where you find most of them – continents/oceans
Say where you find very few of them – continents/oceans
Try to name examples – e.g Pinatubo, Volcano; Kobe, Japan and The Andes, Young Fold Mountains
Where are fold mountains and ocean trenches found?
Mountain ranges, like the Himalayas and the Andes were formed quite recently in Geological time. That means tens of millions of years ago, rather than hundreds of millions! The map below shows the distribution of the hazards.
Where are volcanoes found?
You tend to find volcanoes in long belts, as the map below shows. The biggest belt wraps around the Pacific Ocean. It’s called ‘The Pacific Ring of Fire’. There’s another one running down at the middle of the Atlantic – Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Where are earthquakes found?
The world map below shows the global pattern of earthquake activity. Earthquakes tend to occur in long belts. The biggest one goes round the whole Pacific Ocean, and another big one runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. These earthquake belts follow the plate margins.