
Skills Paper

Below are a list of skills you need to be able to do. You wil have mot of these when being taught both Population Change and Rivers. Look at the checklist below and check you can do them, if no speak to the Geography department. Thank you to ‘Cool Geography’ for the tbale below.

Basic skills

·        annotation of illustrative material, base maps, sketch maps, OS maps, diagrams, graphs,
sketches, photographs etc
·        use of overlays
·        literacy skills.

Investigative skills

·        identification of geographical questions and issues, and effective approaches to enquiry
·        identification, selection and collection of quantitative and qualitative evidence from primary
sources (including fieldwork) and secondary sources
·        processing, presentation, analysis and interpretation of evidence
·        drawing conclusions and showing an awareness of the validity of conclusions
·        evaluation
·        risk assessment and identification of strategies for minimising health and safety risks in undertaking fieldwork.

Cartographic skills

·        atlas maps
·        base maps
·        sketch maps
·        Ordnance Survey maps at a variety of scales
·        maps with located proportional symbols – squares, circles, semi-circles, bars
·        maps showing movement – flow lines, desire lines and trip lines
·        detailed town centre plans
·        choropleth, isoline and dot maps.
In addition, to include at A2:
·        weather maps – including synoptic charts

Graphical skills

·       line graphs – simple, comparative, compound and divergent
·        bar graphs – simple, comparative, compound and divergent
·         scatter graphs – and use of best fit line
·        pie charts and proportional divided circles
triangular graphs
·        kite and radial diagrams
·        logarithmic scales
·        dispersion diagrams

ICT skills

·        use of remotely sensed data – photographs, digital images including those captured
by satellite
·        use of databases, e.g. census data, Environment Agency data; meteorological office
·        use of geographical information systems (GIS)
·       presentation of text and graphical and cartographic images using ICT.

Statisical skills

·        measures of central tendency – mean, mode, median
·        measures of dispersion – inter-quartile range and standard deviation
·        Spearman’s rank correlation test
·        application of significance level in inferential statistical results.
In addition, to include at A2:
·        comparative tests – Chi-squared, Mann Whitney U Test.

Your fieldwork investigation

Below is the powerpoint we went through in class. You must learn what you did on the fieldwork. They can only ask you a limited number of questions. The only bits you need to add is the information on describing the methods you used, the justification of why you used the methods, the problems and suggestions to make the methods better and incorporoating some of the data you collected. You may be asked to talk about a,little bit of data you collected and then add it into you answers to back up your points!!!! 

Geographical skills handbook

Use to help you!!!

Skills for you to practise

Chi-squared and spearmans rank