
The UK’s main ecosystem, yet I bet you know more about the rainforest than the deciduous woodlands
This webpage will cover the following:
the climate of the ecosystem
the stratification (layers) of the ecosystem
the different types of vegetation
how the deciduous forest is used and sustainably managed
Video on the deforestation of the deciduous woodlands in the UK –
The climate
Temperate Deciduous forests are found across much of north-west Europe, eastern North America and parts of East Asia. They occur in these regions because they are well suited to the moderate climate. The climate isn’t extreme – summers are warm and winters are cool:
the annual temperature range in these areas is low
precipitation can occur throughout the year
there is a long growing season
The soil
The most common type of soil is known as brown earth, which is reddish-brown in colour
Deciduous trees lose their leaves every year. The fallen leaves then slowly rot – helping to keep the soil fertile
Minerals are slowly washed (or leached) through the soil
The vegetation
Deciduous types their leaves in the winter, when the light and temperature falls. The vegetation in temperate deciduous forests grows in layers (see the
diagram below).
Bluebells grow very quickly in the spring so they can flower before the trees get their leaves as the forest floor is too dark to grow when the canopy is complete.
The stratification (layers) of the temperate deciduous woodlands